Disclaimer :
" The Pen and Inkpot Foundation reminds all donors that they must exercise due diligence in their giving to determine that their donations will assist people in projects that build sustainable environments to help their society, Educate the children through Scholarships, in underprivileged society and provide funding for socially conscious Arts works in areas of film, visual Art and written work, in accordance with the mission, vision and core values of the Foundation and US Laws and the laws as stipulated by the US government for a 501c3 charity to be in existence. No funds or goods are given by The Pen and Inkpot Foundation, to any terrorist or violent activities in the world, in accordance with USA Laws. This is a peaceful endowment quietly serving to build a better world.
Copyright clause:
©Pen and Inkpot Foundation 2008-2021 is an authorized tax exempt non profit charity-endowment stipulated as a 501c3 under USA federal laws. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of Art, logo design and written material without express and written permission from The Pen and Inkpot Foundation is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links maynot be used, unless provided that full and clear credit is given to Pen and Inkpot Foundation and respective author or artist with appropriate and specific direction to the original content of Art, design or Articles.